So, I started out by reporting a forgotten password, that was unable to reset due to a problem in avast. I had experienced some computer stuttering prior to this, but did not give it much though.
I received a program to uninstall avast and did so (though they deleted my post prior to me getting around to do it…) So I found out, after uninstalling my avast, my computer ran smoothly.
The problem appeared after the last update, so I’m guessing something happened there.
Now, I’m not installing avast again, since my computer is completely useless when it increases in stuttering the longer it is turned on, and due to my usage, it needs to be turned on a lot.
This is really a problem, seeing as I used my money on avast, and being a student, that was almost a month’s worth I had saved up so I could use the new features. I must admit this has been
extremely frustrating both before and after finding out avast was the culprit. Will this problem be fixed?
A few words on what happens.
-On startup my computer runs smoothly
-After a while, small stuttering can be felt. Mouse starts freezing up for a split second, and video/audio does the same.
-After some time the stuttering becomes unbearable, causing major stuttering every few seconds.
-Problem is extremely noticeable in Chrome, and somewhat less in firefox.
Before giving chrome or firefox the guilt, please note that this problem was entirely fixed by uninstalling Avast, and no longer occurs in any program.
The more programs I’ve had open the worse it gets, even after closing them down. Only solution was to reboot my computer.
I did search the forums, and I see many had stuttering problems, though none from the same things as mine, or at least they did not have the details written down that I did.
Sincerely yours