Computer won't boot, even in Safe Mode. Sticks at aswrvrt.sys

Hello all,

I have a desktop computer, running Windows 7, that won’t boot at all, even in safe mode. If I do try and boot it then it stops at aswrvrt.sys, flickers a blue screen, before restarting. I have run MHDD and there were no inputs in UNC X.

I created a recovery disk and have tried system restore but the older ones won’t restore and the newer ones don’t do anything.

I have already downloaded FRST and have the logs, which I have attached.

I have been trying to fix this for days with no luck so any help will be so gratefully received. Thank you.

Download the attached fixlist.txt to the same location as FRST
Run FRST as before and press fix

Then retry a boot to normal windows

Thank you. I did as you said and it then changed it so it failed on a different file. Luckily I used the power of Google and found a work around that particular problem and for the first time in days I am on my desktop. I am so happy. Thank you for your help.

What was the workaround that you found as the culprit is not Avast but I believe a windows defender update

It got stuck at classpnp.sys instead, after I used your fix. I then went into BIOS and changed the HDD from IDE to AHCI. When I quit BIOS it loaded straight into Windows and after logging in it carried out a system restore and rolled back to the 18th.

I am so relieved as I thought I might have to buy a new PC and it was fairly new.

I do not know what causes the problem, but it is better reinstall the system than to buy a new PC :smiley:

. I then went into BIOS and changed the HDD from IDE to AHCI.
Ta ... Avast will not do that but a windows update might

It wouldn’t be the first time I have lost a functioning PC to Windows Updates.

Thanks again for all your help. It is very much appreciated.

Glad you are fixed :slight_smile: