Computer won't stop acting up.

I don’t even know how to explain it. Recently (Last week), my computer has taken upon itself to randomly shut itself down. No warning. Pop-up from Avast!, MBAM Pro, or Comodo. No one in my household (Except 1 person who wouldn’t do that, and doesn’t even know my IP) knows the shutdown -i command, Or how to work it. I don’t think I’m a victim of malware, since MBAM scans literally 2 times a day. Which I can’t change. The only thing I could possible think of is my CPU is hitting it’s MAX temp. But even after I check speccy immedaitly after reboot. It isn’t no were near it max.

So, really that only leaves malware. Which I’d like to think I’m not infected. But still. I’ll attach logd as they come.
MBAM = Clean

Already ran hardware tests?

The shutdowns sometimes show me the option to exit out (Cancel). Just 15 minutes ago it didn’t give me that option. Do you have a HDD tester I can use?

A bit of topic, but i would uninstall Comodo Geek Buddy, Comodo Dragon and Yahoo.

Yahoo shouldn’t be on the system. Don’t trust them. Will ditch Geekbuddy and Dragon.

You dont really need Comodo Dragon and Geek Buddy is just eating up your CPU.

Is your Computer Bluescreening or just normally shutting down?

Drive manufacturer will have a hd test.
For memory I suggest memtest.

Normally, which is the weird part. Also, my CPU in idle doesn’t hit anything above 2%. Even rendering I have a hard time hitting 50%. GeekBuddy isn’t in the Control Panel

Checked the temperature of the graphics card and system?

Was gaming and watch youtube. So the GPU was around 40C. Max is 97C.

The system was running (CPU: 50, MOBO: 25C, HDD/SSD: 30C. Fans are all working. MEMTEST is 76% done. Will move into the HDD check after that. Will double check the case fan after all that is done. (Which is currently expelling cool air).

It’s not lack of power. Tecnically my GPU Min Req says 500WTs. I have 450WT’s. I’ve never had an issue though. Not once.

Just Incase it’s relavant.

It’s a Dell XPS8500 modified. The difference is instead of a GT 620 it’s a GTX 760.
CPU; I7-3770

memtest is done. Nothing reported within the RAM. Chkdsk /r next. This might take a very long time. I’ll go fetch Essex or someone. 1 moment.

Temperatures are fine.
I’m starting to suspect a dying PSU.

My only issue with a dying PSU (Which could be entirely correct) is why wouldn’t it just go into a black screen? Just turn off. Why would it give an option to cancel? I noticed yesterday checking the CF’s that the PSU was expelling fairly hot air, which considering I was only doing a memtest shouldn’t have been happening. Is there a way to find out if my PSU is going dead?

Would that also explain the loudness of my PC of late? I’ve noticed the sound going up generally. But not as much to notice a lot.

The loudness could be a bad fan. Or the cooling system if its getting hot.

If you have some PSU to change you could try to replace it and see if the problem is still there.
Or you need to test the energy charge of the PSU.

We had one a few years ago and we just used a PSU from an old computer and it worked. :wink:

But you need to be sure that it gives enough energy for your computer.

What never hurt is taking out the psu, open it and clean it.
Ofcourse remove all dust from/in the rest of the system too.

The computer in my house is the most advanced. Nothing could provide enough power. Is there a way I can test the charge?

The system temps are fine. The PSU is hot though. (Right now it’s cooler)

@Eddy, Will do.