What is the unknown html flagged for this site at VirusWatch Archives:
IP bad host appearances: http://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_195.211.72.26
Missed here: (6 domains on this LeaseWeb IP):
Redirects to htxp://www.asiel.nl/wp-signup.php?new=www.okhelp.poes.nl
For this link: http://gmpg.org/xfn/11
see; https://wordpress.org/support/topic/header-link-httpgmpgorgxfn11
External link check OK:
lease check this list for unknown links on your website:
-http://www.asiel.nl/ → ‘’
-http://www.asiel.nl/blog/category/katten/ → ‘asielkatten’
-http://www.asiel.nl/asiels/ → ‘asiels’
-http://www.asiel.nl/over-ons/ → ‘over ons’
-http://www.asiel.nl/ → -‘asiel.nl’
-http://designorbital.com/contango/ → ‘contango theme’ * vulnerability
See for instance here: htxp://www.domxssscanner.com/scan?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.asiel.nl%2Fwp-signup.php%3Fnew%3Dwww.okhelp.poes.nl →
Results from scanning URL: htxp://www.asiel.nl/wp-content/themes/contango/lib/js/superfish/superfish-combine.min.js?ver=1.5.9 -innerHTML - browser cache bypass attack.
Number of sources found: 43
Number of sinks found: 19
Background read: https://cure53.de/fp170.pdf (checked secure via Metascan scan)
Cannot connect to hxtp://www.asiel.canome.com/ - bad zone! Stealth Name Servers, see:
-https://www.hond.nl → -‘hond.nl’ -
theme vulnerable to shellshock exploit!
IP badness history: https://www.virustotal.com/en/ip-address/