Confess up Avast... Did you only sell user data of free version, or also paid?

Vice and PC Magazine found out through leaked documents you gather and sell the browsing history of users of the free version of Avast. You also claimed it was completely anonomized, which really doesn’t exist with the type of firms you’ve been selling the data to, especially considering you apparently left in some crucial data which easily allows to identify someone.

Now, that you do it vs the users of the free version without clearly telling them, might already be a breach of the GDPR. Considering you have the habit to spam paying users with ads, I’m starting to wonder whether you did the same to users of your paid product versions. Did you, or did you not?

Avast is already known for spyware in users PC, nothing new. Also if you have HTTPS scan enabled (which is enabled by default) they can read your encrypted communication. Free is never free.

Hence why I was asking specifically whether they do so also for the premium users. I’ve got premium Avast, and I’d be really pissed off if they do it to premium users too.

I am looking for an official word from Avast on this. As a paying subscriber for about 15 years now, I would like an official word.

Also avast can you fix your f&^%* captcha so it is readable?

This is pretty devastating for Avast. I’m both appalled and disappointed. For a company that says it offers “powerful security for your digital life” it seems it is more interested in selling user data for big money. This cannot be absolved by saying something like ‘free is never free’ and i hope Avast feel the heat over this.

Regarding Jumpshot, is there a specific opt-in for that data collection? Joseph Cox at Vice / Motherboard suggested so by posted this image over on Twitter:

“This is the new opt-in message that should be popping up on more Avast antivirus users’ screens soon.” was the caption.

But does this mean if we have not had this pop-up our data is not being reported to Jumpshot? Or is that new and this has this been going on through the “allow usage data to be shared with 3rd parties for analytics” tab in the privacy section of the control panel? I have always had this un-clicked but recently found it clicked - probably after i updated to the new interface.

I’d suggest Avast need to be extremely transparent about this and fast.

Any version of Avast.

This is pretty devastating for Avast. I'm both appalled and disappointed. For a company that says it offers "powerful security for your digital life" it seems it is more interested in selling user data for big money. This cannot be absolved by saying something like 'free is never free' and i hope Avast feel the heat over this.

AV vendors market share (click on vendor for details)!/

avast have a huge market share (400 mill +) but almost all is from free version, so to get revenue up they use sneaky tricks

L0L wonder what bob has to say about this one… I’m so glad avast is off all my systems including my family members. If this includes the paid versions users should start to file suit. Take some of those earnings back and show them what corporate greed leads to.

Even after entering your key during installation (i have avast premium + vpn + premium cleaner… whole $hit i know), go to privacy settings, you will see almost all options still enabled, even if you choose on install ‘‘No thanks’’ ( as Frags picture - Mind sharing some data with us - ) almost all options are checked yes.

Now i wonder, even if we manually disable these, do these even apply, or is Avast just doing they ‘‘way’’ with data anyway…

w t f

To wonder, speculate or assume, really isn’t helpful.
Wait for a reply from Avast. They are aware of the article.

Oh really, and how are we customers / users suppose to know if any of the A devs read it or not? Is there a thread sign or something, that someone is looking into this? I’m not aware of any.

It isn’t helpful either to quote out one’s comment, as others in this thread are in same search for answers, and a transparent response would be correct.

So if your’re not , and obviously aren’t a member of Avast, and don’t have any clue about this, i suggest you to wait it out also. I haven’t written previous comment to you, it was a general response to all in thread.

So be a good fella, and wait it out also. Your reply is all but helpful to any of us.

//and i apologize to all for spelling etc, English is not my native L.

What part of your response is missing?
Avast has been notified and has already acknowledge their awareness of the article.
Once they reply to that article, /it will also be available here in the forum or via a link to a public rebuttal.

How do we know on forum, that A was notified?

In all previous posts no one mentioned that Avast was notified, is there a forum sign, or something that i’m unaware of?

Your post, quoting mine, was first to tell that, Avast is aware of this thread.

As I’ve stated, Avast has been notified. I know that to be a fact since I was the one that notified them
and they have stated that they are aware of the article and are addressing the matter. I have other means of
contacting Avast outside of this forum.
Again, wait for a reply from them instead of making assumptions which solve nothing.

What assumptions did i make regarding issue asked in this thread about user data using Avast? None.

I only replied with options when installing Avast, and then going to Privacy settings to see majority of options still marked out - even if you choose - No thanks- option on install. Its a fact, not an assumption.

And for question regarding forum notifications , if Avast is aware / notified - is there a visible notification -icon or something to let people know that someone is looking on a subject?

Or the only way is that you jump out on a user stating you forwarded this to Avast?

No there aren’t any icons. You’ll need to take my word as to what I’ve stated.
There’s a reason I’m tagged as an Uber Evangelist as are some other users on this forum.

And for question regarding forum notifications , if Avast is aware / notified - is there a visible notification -icon or something to let people know that someone is looking on a subject?

Or the only way is that you jump out on a user stating you forwarded this to Avast?

As a previous longtime Uber Evangelist, i can confirm what bob3160 say.
Uber Evangelists have ways of contacting avast team both inside this forum (hidden sections) and outside this forum

Avast’s commitment to responsible data use

They’ve done it with all users, however only if you’ve used avast! browser extensions and had “Share data” feature enabled.

If you’ve used extension and had data sharing disabled you were not affected. If you were not using extension at all, you were not affected either.