Conficker infected communal PCs used by students at Oxford Brookes University on Thursday, leaving sysadmins with a difficult clean-up job.
Conficker infected communal PCs used by students at Oxford Brookes University on Thursday, leaving sysadmins with a difficult clean-up job.
They should get better sysadmins.
March 31/09
Unless you’re living in a cave, by now you’ve heard that a worm known as Conficker (or Downadup, or Kido) has infested computer systems around the world, and that it will do something April 1st, though nobody knows exactly what. How can you be sure your computer doesn’t become a casualty? Here are eight action items—things you can do yourself to weather the potential storm.,2817,2344170,00.asp?kc=PCRSS03069TX1K0001121
Maybe you should send that link to them. I wonder what virus program they have ???