conflict problem using Avast

I just recently downloaded Avast on to a new notebook but after a few days It took up to 15 minutes to connect to my wireless network, the computer slowed down and froze. Also the avast ball with “a” in it had a red mark and I could not scan or update and I kept getting the message " RPC error ".
I then removed Avast from my computer and the problems disappeared.
I then reloaded Avast and the computer seemed to be OK
After closing down and rebooting the next day the same problems are back.
I have again removed avast from the computer
I have never run any other anti virus programme but the computer is reconditioned bought from PC World
Should I try another anti virus programme or can someone help me with this problem ???

are you sure there are not another antivirus running in your computer now or before installing avast! antivirus?

please post a HijackThis Log here:

  1. Download and run HijackThis from:
  2. after Run, do a system scan using that and save the log file
  3. Attach the log file to your next post/reply.

Thank you for your quick reply. I did a scan as you suggested but I am not sure how to attach this to my reply, I cant find where it is saved to.

I think Ive got it. Please let me know if this is what you asked for

no problem.

if you want to attach the log, here is step by step guide.

  1. when you did a scan with HijackThis program, it would open a log file itself (mostly in Notepad), so you can save it from File Menu → Save as.
  2. if it did not open log file itself, you have selected “scan only” in main menu, close program, open it again and choose scan and save a log file.
  3. to post the log file here you have 2 options:
    a) when you are writing the reply, click on the “Additional Options” below the text box area and you would see “browse” button, click on it and select were you have saved the log file.
    b) you might copy whole area of the log file, everything in log file, and paste it here as reply, which is not recommended. it’s better you attach the log file to your post.

Good Luck.

Yes, that’s same what I asked you.

your logfile is clean and there is nothing in that which conflict with avast! (else than SpyBot TeaTimer which rarely may cause slow down to your computer by keeping your CPU high).

can you please explain more about your problem, exactly what problem you have when you install avast! antivirus ?

for the RPC Error, did you try this? :

You must have remains of another antivirus program on your computer in the registry that cause avast RPC errors. Nortons have a removal tool & macafee have one too!. Symantec/Norton antiviruses are renown to leave bits and pieces behind.

Yes I did follow the instructions as shown on your link,it was on automatic and was running, I even tried the restart to no avail,
As well as the problems I reported in my origional post, when I tried to start the wireless network in control panel the torch light came on and control panel could not be found. when I tried connect to the computer froze and I had to close down using the on/off button. This happened many times before I deleted Avast

Thanks for your involvement.
If there remnents of previous anti virus programmes. Is it possible to download a free tool to remove any programme

Looked at your log.
Spybot search and destroy i use this but do not have tea timer running as this may cause lock up with avast. You can un install spybot and re install it with out tea timer running. See what that does.

The removal tools are within the MacAfee & Symantec web sites
Symantec (Norton removal tool) I think Pc world install norton/ symantec products on their laptops they sell ie norton 360 etc.

Hi bobo1 , Omid
I have to go out soon and will return to this thread tomorrow.

bobo- I will try as you suggest tomorrow morning and post the results

Thanks both

Also noted in the log that you are running IE8. IE8 Has caused me bother in the past and i had to go back to IE7. As this trashed my internet connection on xp service pack 3. If your internet is ok keep IE8.

If you’re comfortable go into device manager, Under view check"show hidden devices" the expand “non plug and play”. Delete the drivers from any previously uninstalled AV products.

no need to do this, to disable SpyBot Residents, just open the SpyBot, from view menu go to advanced mode, then in the left column, in the settings find Residents and un-check/de-select both IE and TeaTimer residents.

No good advise, too risky, at least for newbie users.

to remove remaining parts of your antivirus use the uninstall/removal tools from same vendor:
Symantec Norton: download and run Norton Removal Tool
McAfee: Download and run McAfee Removal Tool
AVG: Download and run AVG Remover 32Bit or AVG Remover 64Bit.

it’s always recommended to use latest version of computer programs for all reasons. safety, stability etc.
and also down-grading programs version is never recommended, if you had problem with IE 8 you must find the problem or in-compatibility reason in your own computer. avast! antivirus has no problem with Internet Explorer 8.

I’m so sorry you have this problem, I guess there are some parts of an old antivirus remaining in your computer which do conflict with avast! antivirus, try to run the removal tools to make sure there are not anything remaining from your last antivirus:

  1. Uninstall avast!
  2. run these tools to make sure there are nothing remaining from another antivirus in your computer. don’t forget to reboot after running each one.
    -Symantec Norton: download and run Norton Removal Tool
    -McAfee: Download and run McAfee Removal Tool
    -AVG: Download and run AVG Remover 32Bit or AVG Remover 64Bit.
  3. Clean up your temporary files using a program such as CCleaner.
  4. Install avast! antivirus again.

Hi Omid and bobo1
Had a busy day but managed to turn off teatimer in spybot this evening from inside spybot after following instructions from a friend. Then I reloaded Avast but have the same problem. I have removed Avast again and the computer is fine. It seems the problem must be caused by the remnants of previous anti virus programmes. I will download the removal tools you recomended and run them tomorrow.
I will let you know the outcome tomorrow evening
Thank you both for your time and efforts.

Hi silvertones
I went into device manager and expanded plug and play but could not find any reference to previous AV programmes, but then I do not know what to look for. I think I will try the un-install tools first before it gets to technical for my level of competence.

I say, Don’t touch that area!

I run the three un-install tools and used CCleaner to clean my temporary files, initially after reloading Avast everything seemed to be OK, but after 3 reboots over the day the problem has returned.