First off, since it’s my 1st message on avast!'s forum, huge congrats on the wonderfull software!!!
I remember the first time when i discovered it I was in complete awe for several minutes grinning and smiling in front of the monitor like an idiot trying its features :). I simply adore avast! antivirus.
Now back to my problem. I think it’s actually a bug in Logitech’s SetPoint v1.05 software (considering Logitech’s software/driver reputation …).
After installing the Logitech SetPoint 1.05 the avast! Outlook/Exchange plugin stopped functionning. It no longer loaded. The changes in version 1.05 of SetPoint since 1.04 (which had no problems with avast!) include: MS Outlook support (a plugin to display notifications on the mediapad when new mail arrives) … so the source of the problem becomes clearer.
Also, I uninstalled completely the SetPoint software and the problem still persists … the avast! outlook/exchange plugin does not load. Seems that it’s messed up pretty good. I will have to reinstall avast! since i dont know exactly where in the registry or file was the plugin ment to start. I tried stopping/restarting/pausing/customizing the outlook/exchange service etc … nothing worked.
If anyone (maybe an avast! rep.) can tell me what file/reg entry to modify to simply reactivate the exchange plugin it would be great.
I also posted a message about this in Logitech’s forums but thought it was a good idea to put one here. Maybe avast! and Logitech can work together to fix this.
Thank you. Cheers,