Conflict with SandboxIE

I recently installed SandboxIE program thats a freeware. The program installer asked for all other active programs to be shut down, which i did, and then for a restart.

After the restart, SandboxIE took over the startup and prevented Avast services from starting, except for ashDisp. I just couldnt get them to start from the icon, getting error message. The beauty was that even sandboxie itself was not functioning, its icon showing a exclamation mark.

I think this has to do with the problem:

Are there people using Avast 4.8 along with SandboxIE? …
and is there a real need for sandboxie (i mean i will have to weigh protection afforded by it against the inconvenience caused in downloading & installing software from net)

Same machine as in the other post?
do you have the resources to run sandboxie?
good question

Yes, its the same machine wyr.
No, i dont have the resources, but is sandboxie too a resource-hog?

[PS: good to hear from u again. I am posting on the forum after long, hope u rmbr me and the confusion with ‘Chim’! And i hope its ok to abbv your name to wyr]

I think Sandboxie is a resource-hog. I use it on decent machines with 2.4 GHz and 1.6GHz and at least 512MB RAM. No, I haven’t had any problem with both AVAST and Sandboxie. Yes, it can be useful if you care to always use it. But RETURNIL is even better. :slight_smile:

Call me anything just call me :slight_smile:
keep those cards and letters coming in
How’s your memory?