Conflict with Word 2003


Environnement description :

  • Windows XP SP3
  • Avast Free (11.1.2253)
  • Office 2003

A couple of weeks ago, just after an Avast update, saving after some modifications an already existing doc files became impossible. Word issued a message telling “unauthorized access” and the name of a temp file (WRLnnn.tmp) appeared in the current Windows in state of the real name.

Since I applied last updates for both Avast engine and signature database but it didn’t correct anything.

Browsing the net in search of similar problems I found out this case had already been reported (see this thread. Mine is exactly the same.

I tried the suggested turnaround, exclusion of doc files from scanning, which worked.

Nevertheless that’s just a turnaround to go on using Word but not a real issue.

This problem isn’t encountered on some others computers I deal with, all running Windows XP and Word 2003 just as mine. So it seems it’s a matter of context in specific cases.

Waiting for any suggestion,


Report it to avast.

I reported this problem to Avast team as you suggested.