Confused and need help. Please.

Alright so Im going to be quick and slightly shot with this, since i have 2 kids, one is crying refusing a nap ad the other is getting into everything. Alright, well, I did a Virus scan last night, and this morning when I woke up I checked it. Apparently I had a threat, luckily only one. it was called WXdownload or some crap. Well, i detained it putting it in the chest. Avast the recommended me to do a restart and a fullscan before windows boot. Alright, well so I agrreed… and now think that was a mistake. My laptop restarted, powered back on, but no windows boot up. Now my laptop screen is cracked bad, so Im hooked up to my SONY Tv, and whenever my laptop is booted and all that crap, it is on that screen, well if it is not, it tells me that there is no signal. Well thats what Im getting, plus the wireless symbol on my keyboard is showing that it is off. I had waited a bit while hoping that maybe it was doing a system scan… but the my 3 yr old started screwing with the laptop as i was taking care of baby… yeah, he pressed the power button. I turned laptop back on, but still same thing. Was it doing the scan? Did he interupt it? Now what? Am I screwed? Please help… I dont need an angry wife today…

aLRIGHT, well never mind. Not too long after the laptop has booted.