Confused re threat detection pop up

I’ve just had my first ‘threat detection’ pop up. I thought I would find the details in my Virus Chest. But it’s empty. Is this normal???

It depends which shield dedected what.
Do you have more info…??

right click avast tray icon and “show last pop-up” then click the pin in top right corner so it will stay on the screen

take a screen shot and attach it here

lower left corner > additional options > attach

Hope this helps.

as it say " Malicious URL blocked" avast! network shield has blocked a harmful site…before anything could happen, so there should not be anything on in the chest

I’ve just had my first ‘threat detection’ pop up. I thought I would find the details in my Virus Chest. But it’s empty. Is this normal???

Your first but not the last, next time click on more details it will explain to you, so many query’s on URL pop ups in Avast forum.

Great. Many thanks. :slight_smile: