Connection and validation on avast software [eng][fr]

Sorry for my English, that’s not my first language.
My grand-father had bought Avast Internet Security 2015. His credit account had been credit of the amount indicate on his order.
But when we try to connect on the software, that don’t found the e-mail address in the avast’s database… (the order was sent to this e-mail address)

Can you help me ? (ask some questions if i haven’t been enought comprehensive)

Mon grand-père a acheté Avast Internet Security 2015. Son compte en banque a été débité du montant indiqué sur la commande.
Mais quand nous essayons de nous connecter sur le logiciel, mais cela indique que l’adresse e-mail n’est pas enregistrée sur la base de données d’avast… (la commande a été envoyé à cette adresse e-mail)
Pouvez-vous m’aider ? (n’hésitez pas à poser des questions si je n’ai pas été assez claire)

Submit a ticket:

That’s all right, i come to the application this morning, and i’ve try to login. Successful !!!
I think that’s because my grandfather don’t create an account on the website, so there’s no link between the software and the website…
That’s ok now.
In fact, thank you for your help ^^

Have a nice day.

You’re welcome.

Have a nice day as well,