I use Thunderbird and avast 4.6 on XP sp 2 with every accesses alloweded to avast by the firewall (Sygate) and I have this pile of Connection timeout messages …
The frequence of those messages seams to be the same that the frequence of automatic mail downloads from Thunderbird…
If you have any solution except Outlook or “no spam control”…
I use Thunderbird with Avast 4.6 on XP SP2 (although my Firewall is ZoneAlarm).
When I first installed Avast (a couple of months ago) I too experienced timeouts. I increased the timeout in Thunderbird from the default 45 seconds to 120 seconds and have had no timeouts since.
No, it doesn’t matter how frequently you check your email, but the time before your email program decides the server is inactive and shows the time out message. It is in your email programs settings, this is an example of OE’s time out setting:
Find the equvilent in your email program and increase it.
There have been changes to the latest versions in the Internet Mail provider which may have had an impact on your email scanning (this is what is going on when the email program thinks the server is idle).
Do you have a lot of emails left on the server? I noticed that my access time increased dramatically when the mail client needed to sort through a lot of messages to find the new ones.