Connection Timeouts

How do I resolve these connection timeout messages I’m getting on my Windows SBS 2003 Box? Avast seems to time out with regard to email messages I’m sending. It is particularly bad at the moment.

I am using Exchange Server as part of the SBS 2003 installation and the SBS Avast product…

Please see

Where do I turn off the Internet Mail Provider"

you need to turn off the “Internet Mail” provider. It is not meant to run on servers (especially mail servers). It’s a client-only provider.

Double click the avast tray icon → press “Details >>” button (if not done so already) → access the Internet Mail provider in the list on the left.

Found Internet Mail Provider under details but it’s not running…

All that’s running is “standard shield”…


Can you post the screenshot of such a “Connection timeout” message then?
I mean, the only messages of that kind that I’m aware of come from the Internet Mail provider…

As soon as they return I’ll be back… They only appear every few weeks or so then disappear again…
