Consequence of changing ODBC to XML format in avast4.ini file?

Just wondering… I’ve been going through the archives on this forum and I’ve read a few suggestions that people might want to try changing the ODBC database format to XML in the avast4.ini file. Is using XML less preferred than ODBC? (and if so why). Reason why I ask is that it seems to me that a few people have problems with jet files accumulating in the temp directory, and if the XML method is less problematic, then why not make XML as the default setting in the Avast4 ini file? Is there a downside to this?

(as an aside, I use Win 98 first edition, and have the latest JET and MDAC updates installed, and I also find that the jet files tend to build up in my temp directory-- I’m using the latest Avast home edition…)

Thanks in advance.


The drawback of the XML storage is that it doesn’t support storing of session results. This is a Professional-Edition-only feature so if you’re on the Home diet you don’t have to care about that. For Pro users, though, this may be pretty annoying (and confusing). No scan histories will be stored.

This is by design – it’s only cause is that we didn’t implement this feature to the XML storage (yet)…


Thanks Vlk. I’ve now changed to XML, and I do find it works better (at least for me).

Thanks for teaching us Vlk.
I updated the avast4.ini file thread (see settings on my signature) :wink: