Running Win7 RC Build 7100, avast! Home 4.8.1351 ~
avast! installed and is working AFAICT with no problems, except the systray icon is ALWAYS revolving, indicating some scanning activity, even with ALL apps closed.
I believe this may be related to the background Indexing native to Win7 – if so, can it be excluded? I have tried adding “C:\Windows\System43\SearchIndexer.exe” to the Exclusion list, but it has no effect. Can Indexing and/or any related background services be excluded?
If anyone else has seen this, have you determined what else it may be?
What sensitivity setting do you have the Standard Shield set to (Normal is the default) ?
If you added this, “C:\Windows\System43\SearchIndexer.exe” I doubt it would work as that isn’t what is being scanned and you made a typo in there (System42 not System32).
This indexing must be changing something for avast to be constantly scanning it, so it isn’t SearchIndexer.exe, which is the process and not the files being modified or opened with write permission.
Enable this option in the Standard Shield - Left click on the avast ‘a’ icon, click the Details… >> button if shown, select the Standard Shield provider > Customize > Advanced - ‘Show detailed info on performed actions’ this option is off by default, enabling it will give an idea of what is being scanned.
My scanner is constantly running. the file it is repeatedly scanning is \appdata\local\temp\low\draApi.xml How do I get it ti quit constantly scanning this file before my hard drive wears out?