Constant "Wifi is dangerous" notification

I keep getting a notification that my Home Wi-Fi is dangerous because the router’s password is “too weak”. It started showing up after my HTC10 got upgraded to Nougat.

It pops up almost every hour, I even changed my router password because it was annoying the hell out of me, and yet it still keeps showing up. It seems to me that the notification’s main purpose is to sell me a fantastic upgrade because that ad also pops up every time I go into the app to see the notification’s details.

How can I turn this off?

Hi, there seems to be a bug, we are already working on it. In the meantime you can try to disable the “Potential Wi-Fi issues” notification in Tools–Settings–Notifications.

That’s good to know!
The notification you mention was already off, so that doesn’t affect it.
Any idea when an update fixing it would be released? Because I am seriously considering uninstalling the app until then if it’s too far in the future.

Not yet, will let you know as soon as I have any information.

Hi, you can try the latest Beta (, it should be fixed there.


Hi again, we have found a trick, which works on most devices: when you get the Wi-Fi notification, ignore all the issues/results and then scan the Wi-Fi again. It should help (re-sets the last scan for “today” and should not notify you again sooner than in 30 days).

Maybe they change the warning, but now almost everyday it’s ‘WiFi maybe risky’. So occassionally I check/scan, and, oops, the app says it’s O.K. (since it’s my personal wifi network with password authentication). I was going to uninstall cuz it was a headache, yet after reading this 3 years later (thank you by the way), I went to settings > notifications > wifi and turned them all off. If for some reason, I need to when I’m away from home wifi, I can always turn it back on.

A lot of things will have changed in 3 years and it is unlikely that this is exactly the same. Personally I wouldn’t want to disable the notifications (you may forget to enable it again) as there is every possibility that you could be away from your home WiFi network and this type of warning could be correct.

I have had this notification a few times and in all honesty I’m tired of it. When you consider my WiFi is part of my Home (Router) Hub, Network. And it has always happened when I’m actually at home.

I feel it is just trying to get you to run a scan and guess what it will tell you your WiFi is fine, but will offer a paid product after the scan (a bit like thw windows version of Avast Free) a VPN if I remember correctly.

Hi, there was a bug with Wi-Fi notification, but it should be fixed by now.
Could you please share what type of device, Avast app and Android version you are using? Thanks.