Context Scan Report - Sometimes has audio; sometimes not. Not understanding why


  1. Hi this is my first post :slight_smile:
  2. I am using:- WinXP Professional 32 bit; & Avast free 5.0.594
  3. Using Avast for >1yr; good experience
  4. I searched forum; couldn’t find this topic; hence posting this topic

It is about context scan. Most of the time I get a report which is not accompanied by any spoken voice. On rare occasions I also get a lady’s spoken voice which says “Scan has been completed”. Why is it; what’s the significance? I am puzzled & concerned. ??? Kindly let me know.

There was no voice on jpg1 (example enclosed)
There was voice on jpg2 (example enclosed)

I could be about time.
If the scan takes longer than x seconds (maybe 10…??) you get a voice-reminder that it has been finished.
But I’m just guessing on this one… :wink:

Yes, I think something like that is indeed implemented.

Thanks for confirming that…!

Thanks Asyn & igor :slight_smile:

You’re welcome…!