Continue Execution Options

Having quickly searched through the forum there seem to be a lot of people not liking the “Continue Execution” option and seem to want it removed, I’m actually asking for the opposite here.
In my position as a developer I am constantly creating new packages to run (new .exe files) and every time I run it I have to wait for the “continue execution” option to come up and the process will start again.
This is extremely annoying and what I would like is for a “Continue Execution” option to either not restart the process (likely not going to happen because it’s initially run in sandbox) or have the option to click “Continue Execution” as soon as the process starts so that I don’t have to wait the 10 sec or so for it to realise that there is nothing wrong with the file in the first place and restart the execution.
As mentioned people seem to not like having the “continue execution” option available as people who don’t know what they are doing accidentally allow things they shouldn’t so I propose the idea that an option is put in the settings so that (turned off by default) we can enable “continue execution” as soon as the process starts.

(possibly also provide information within the popup to notify the user that this is an option mainly so that I can see when you finally implement this BRILLIANT notion!)

If anyone who is associated with Avast can comment as to the likely hood of this actually being implemented I would be greatly appreciative.

Others please comment as to what your opinion is, I’d assume this becoming popular may increase the chance of this being implemented.


For a developer (i.e. someone frequently creating new files), I would suggest to uncheck the option “The file prevalence/reputation is low” in AutoSandboxing reasons/settings.