Cool feature enhancement.

My co-worker asked about this possibility I thought it was cool and would pass it along to see what you think:

It would be nice to have a “monitor window” for the avast! client. In specific, there are times when my HD is going crazy; and, according to me, there’s no reason for such activity. avast! sees this HD activity and is spinning; therefore, it knows what is being accessed. From a security standpoint it would be helpful to know what files are being accessed in real-time. Since avast! knows this (and Microsoft isn’t kind enough to tell us this basic system activity information), it would be a nice addition to avast! if they could do it.

There are obvious performance implications, so the monitor would be a “run it as you need it” interface vs. some default interface.

Sure, this has been part of avast since version 1.0. :slight_smile:

Standard Shield → Advanced (last config page) → Show detailed info on performed action.


That is just way to cool! Thanks ;D

BTW the window is heavily customizable. Things like number of entries to show, fade out period, transparency level and color schemes can be set in the avast4.ini file. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: (you might’ve been wondering what these 56,000 posts on the forum are all about – it’s mostly things like that).

Also, it’s good to know that clicking on the window makes to disappear immediately - useful if it’s obscuring some text on the screen you’d like to read…

I hope this will make your co-worker happy ;D
