hi avast
i m using pc and laptop with ais. i format my laptop yesterday so i want to update my avast. my pc have latest update so is there any way to copy and paste the database file from my pc into my laptop?
hi avast
i m using pc and laptop with ais. i format my laptop yesterday so i want to update my avast. my pc have latest update so is there any way to copy and paste the database file from my pc into my laptop?
I don’t know about transferring, But you can download VPS updates from here:
and then move them to your laptop.
i downloaded it but my avast still shows old database. i installed it but not working.
and also i want to know how can i copy and paste the database.
any experts help plz.
Just double click to run the database, it’s not needed to copy it somewhere special.
Download it to a removable media, connect to your laptop and run it.
i already double clicked and says database already up to date but when i see my avast it does not.
Did you tried a reboot too?
yes i tried
Any reason for not updating to the new program version 6.0.1091?
And: is the AIS on your laptop registered already?
I’ve no idea, If you download right file and no kind of protection or sandbox avoided setup being run correctly it should update your Antivirus database. ???
He is using the AIS version 5, so maybe he has not yet registered since he installed the laptop anew → the 30 days trial period may have past by?
i got 5.1.899 version i n my avast and my avast is registerd.
Yes, that is what I said: Avast 5. That is the one with the update problem? That is registered?
Anyway: why don’t you update the program version to 6.0.1091?
No way to do an online update?
what is the link to update program? i got ink to update definiton i.e http://www.avast.com/download-update but wats the link for program update?
You can not update online via the GUI?
The installer can be downloaded by clicking on the blue AIS in my signature. Just install over the existing version, do not uninstall first.
On “Maintenance” - “Update” there is the button “Update Program”. That does not work?
its 75 mb file. what is that? is that installer to update program or its ais installer?
It’s the AIS installer.
It will perform an update of your program version from 5 to 6.0.1091.
Sorry for late answer - connection problems here…
its ok friend…
how to copy n paste latest definition and program file from my pc into my laptop.
my pc avast have update
Your laptop has no internet connection for online update?
You don’t want to update to new program version?
yes my laptop internet not works. thats why i want to copy and paste the program update file and definiton file from pc into my laptop