
Dear Avast,

I am a Marketing student writing an article about how to make stimuli stand out and loved the way you incorporated some of the theories I read into your website. I was wondering if I could print screen 1 or 2 pages to show the readers an example, if so it will be published on the website of our Marketing agency. I couldn’t find copyright about printscreens on your site so I hoped you could inform me on this forum.


Sem Christis

FYI it’s free so it won’t be (directly) used for commercial purposes, nothing is copied or quoted, only examples of your Website (with proper acknowledgement of course)

I’ll just assume it falls under the purpose of (fair) use for ‘teaching/criticism/comment/research’ and add a reference to your site and company

We have definitely no problem with that, Stefanie from PR will send you a PM with some details.