Corporate Phone Number

Looking for a direct number to the corporate offices to log a complaint about the 3rd party offshore support they are using. Can anyone assist me with a number or an email to reach the corporate offices and not the incompetent support they use???

Create ticket >

since eddy didn’t bother to mention, note that if you are using the free software they won’t even read your ticket

You are wrong about that.
They will read it and investigate the complain.

that’s not what the pop-up when you try to reach them suggests. when i put in a ticket sunday, it was immediately closed and i got an auto-response that “We’re sorry, but we can’t seem to find a record of your license in our system. If you use Avast Free Antivirus, please visit the FAQ section of our website or the Avast community forum” and that i should reply if i really do have a “premium product”. nonetheless i replied, got the same auto-reply and it was marked closed again, and i haven’t gotten a response. plus there’s a zillion other posts on the forum of people not getting responses.

why would i submit a new ticket? they immediately closed the last one with no response because i don’t have a premium license. i still don’t have a license, and this all is sure not inspiring me to get one. but hey, way to ignore everything i just said.

Did you actually visit that link, as that form doesn’t have a field to input a license number.

It is however up to you if you want to try it or not.

Eddy doesn’t work for avast (and neither do I) he isn’t ignoring you but trying to help.

if you’re signed in when you fill out the form they’ll already know if you have a license or not. i didn’t check what happens if you submit a ticket without being signed in, but i would guess it asks for your email so you can get responses and looks you up that way.

i appreciate that he is trying to help, but that doesn’t mean he actually IS helping. he is giving out what appears to be false information and ignored me saying so to just give me a link i’ve already been to to open another ticket when i already have a ticket. why would a second ticket help? if either of you have reason to think i’m wrong, i hope you’ll share it.

a supervisor at avast’s tech support # just confirmed they don’t answer for free software, and also said that avast does not directly support their android apps at all and you have to request help through google play so google can request it from avast, which sounds ludicrous but let’s see

I sure am helping.
But as I do not work for avast all I (and DavidR) can do is point you the place where you can (and should) file you complain and yes that is helping.

What is the name of that “avast tech support supervisor” ?
How did you contact him/her ?

avast does directly give support for all their paid application on any platform.

Did you create a ticket through the link I gave you ?
If so, what is the ticket ID ?

no i didn’t create a ticket through your link, because i already HAVE a ticket from there (820303), which i’ve said repeatedly. that’s why i asked twice why filing a second ticket would work better. but i guess you were too busy helping to answer that.

i don’t remember the supervisor’s name, but i contacted them by calling avast total care on friday, and after i wasn’t getting anywhere with the first person i spoke to i asked to speak to a supervisor. after a wait i was transferred to someone who said they were a supervisor, and that’s what they told me. but after contacting google, it looks like that was nonsense.