corrupt dll

After installing Avast 4 home edition, I get an error message on system startup (missing or corrupt file MSVCl70.dll, that’s the lower-case letter ‘l’ in the name after the “MSVC”). On clicking the Avast Icon, I get the message “The ASHBASE.DLL file is linked to missing export MSVCl70.DLL:??0exception@@QAE@XZ.” - which looks pretty weird.
My MSVCl70.dll file is only 8k in size, so from this and the weird error message I’m guessing it is corrupt.
Doing a web search for this file turns up nothing - is it an Avast dll?

It’s part of the compiler runtime library (Microsoft Visual C++).
If it’s only 8K on your system it may indeed be corrupt (maybe some program before avast installed this bogus version to the system folder). Normally, the size of this file is 54,784 bytes.

If you drop me an e-mail, I can send you the right file.
