corrupted fat after restore

Hello forum folks,

I restored to a previous point in Windows 98 SE SP2 with RestoreIt, the program never failed me, but this time I coulkd not run a scandisk.exe, and I got a FAT error read for cluster. I later could skip scandisk.exe but wiundows would not restore, next time dos calls for scandisk.exe, keeps on 0, and gives a read error FAT cluster. What to do, re-install RestoreIt, reinstall windows and keep old settings. Why the Fat error? When I was in windows on the desktop bar the webshield icon had halted (red part).
Who had experienced this before or knows the solution,


  • Boot from a 98se bootfloppy
  • on the prompt type: fdisk c: /mbr (could be fdisk /mbr though)

That may solve it.

This on a diskette may help us:


Dear folks,

Either there is no access due to a corrupted FAT on the hard drive, or
the hard drive died all of a sudden. This means that Polonus’s postings will be less frequent. So until then, cheerio,
