Could Avast be blocking my connection

I just had to do a Dell Factory Image Restore on my computer. Everything went great. I am using Avast Pro 5 as a trial but based on my usage, I will definitely be purchasing.

I’ve got my system back up and running, all updates installed, etc. I didn’t run into any problems. However, I’ve got a problem with Secunia psi that I’ve never had before and have been using it for quite a long time. It’s like I have no ability to connect to the internet from within that program. It checks my system for anything that needs updates for security reasons, and then each item will have a Download Solution button which provides the needed update. Every time I click on the button I get a window that tells me this requires Internet Explorer to function properly and do I want to continue. If I continue it just opens to the Windows Update page.

So, I’m wondering if Avast is somehow blocking this connection. Is that possible?

Avast can’t block the connection, but look in OA to see if something is being blocked. Open up OA and unclick “Hide Trusted” in everything to see if anything is in red (blocked). Do you by chance have IE running in Safe Mode in OA, or check to see if PSI is “trusted” in OA as well as it’s drivers instead of “Ask”?

I am familiar with PSI as well as your other programs, so give this a try and let me know how this works out. Thanks. I’m glad your machine is working again! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I haven’t installed OA yet so that can’t have anything to do with this. I’m not having any trouble except with Secunia. It basically tells me IE8 is not functioning properly and when I click OK it opens up the Windows Update page. But I have all updates installed. Have no idea where to go with this. ???

I have really come to depend on psi and hate to quit using it, but might have to. I know Cnet now offers a free program much like this one but can’t remember what it’s called. Do you know?

I’ve had no problems with PSI, and I think it’s a good program. I really don’t think this would be the issue. Are you using their beta version by any chance?

Without PSI, can you do the following:

  1. Open MS Updates and confirmed you are up to date (UTD)?
  2. Open IE, and does it function properly?

When you had your machine worked on and the problematic program removed (it was removed…correct?), did they or you do anything with IE? After making all these changes, was it confirmed that IE was working properly? Did you do a system restore at this point?

To confirm things, right now you have Avast Pro Trial in your machine, and you are using Windows FW? What other security programs do you have in your machine for resident and on-demand? Also what browsers do you use and what is your OS, and 32 or 64-bit? Others may decide to jump in and try to help. Thanks. :slight_smile:

It’s my understanding from the other forum that you also re-installed IE8 when repairing your machine. Is this correct? Did IE work correctly after doing this?

IE8 is working smooth and fast, better than ever. My whole computer is. I don’t have any problem with any of the other links in PSI program – rescan, online references. They work. But the Download Solution button does not. I have a clean, fresh OS and everything is working great and I do not understand this situation! I’ve run the sfc /scannow and no problems found. I’ve run the disk error checking with both options checked and no problems. I love PSI and don’t want to be without it. Yes, I have installed their new beta version. It did the same thing with that. I went back to the previous version tho because I guess I’ve gotten used to it and at least until I get this problem fixed I’d like to deal with what I know. Only I don’t know at this point if I’m ever going to get it fixed. Could Avast be blocking that Download Solution link from working?

I’m really glad that your machine is up and running. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

No, Avast can’t block it, but OA being a FW might. Look in OA, unclick “Hide Trusted” so you can see everything and see if anything is in red…if it is right for this and if it is right click again to change to “Trusted.”

When you uninstalled PSI beta and installed the older version, did you reboot? Did you use a cleaner (like CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. There is a Slim version available as well at with no toolbars.)?

Are you keeping PSI on all the time or on-demand? I only use it on-demand (weekly).

Other wise, you might try contacting Secunia - you need to log in/create a log in and try and trouble shoot with them.

If anyone else here on the forum using Secunia PSI has a suggestion to help this user, please offer it. Thank you.

The only thing I can think of regarding this is to open IE, or open “internet options”, and place the secunia application in the trusted or at least internet zone, in case it somehow thinks it’s in the restricted zone. (It’s under tools>security).

It’s strange that only one button in PSI doesn’t work. That almost makes me think that it’s a Secunia problem assuming nothing is blocked with her FW, which I doubt it is. The fact that she has this problem with both the older version and beta version of PSI is also odd.

It can’t hurt to try your suggestion. It’s a great program and I know she doesn’t want to give it up.

Still open to other ideas. Thanks. :wink:

I can’t remember whether net framework is required for this.

I’m using Windows Firewall right now so I wouldn’t think that would be the cause.
I’ve been into IE and placed two entries for Secunia in the Trusted Zone.I don’t think I placed them in Internet Zone so I’ll check that out.
I have CCleaner but haven’t used it yet. I’ll try that. I have run Registry Mechanic.
I’m pretty sure I didn’t reboot when I uninstalled old psi and installed new one, but I can’t remember for certain. Since the reaction was exactly the same with the new as the old I really don’t think that would help.

I’m not technically inclined enough to know what the comment by Tarq57 about net framework means.

It doesn’t appear you can add anything to the Internet Zone, but you can to the Local Intranet. Should I?

Just now … I uninstalled PSI
I rebooted
On startup I ran Registry Mechanic and CCleaner
I rebooted again
I reinstalled PSI


Before uninstalling every time I booted PSI would start, icon would be in the taskbar.
However, I’d also get that blocked program notice for PSI even though it was in the startup tab of System Configuration and checked as a startup program. Now after un- and reinstalling it’s gone. Just sharing in case it means something to someone.

When I use PSI, I exit out of the program toolbar tab, then I also go into CCleaner > Tools > Start Up > disable PSI so it does not run on Start up. Perhaps this is why you were seeing it in the taskbar.

CCleaner is fine, as many of us use it here; use the Slim version so you don’t accidentally install the toolbar with adware unless you do a custom install and read what you are clicking upon installation. I run CCleaner everytime I go offline; I like to protect my privacy and keep a clean machine.

Instead of Registry Mechanic, I would recommend something like TFC by OldTimer, which you download to your desktop. It cleans deeper than CCleaner and you only have to use it occasionally (monthly at most) or after malware removal.

Run CCleaner first, then TFC second.

NOTE: When running TFC with OA, you need to be off-line and right click OA to “Close and Shut down OA” due to it’s self-protective mode. Then you can run TFC, which only takes a minute at most. Upon rebooting, OA automatically turns itself back on and all software are playing nicely again and your machine is sparkling clean. :slight_smile: TFC is completely compatible with Avast.

If you uninstall Registry Mechanic, the vendor’s uninstaller removal tool (Add/Remove Programs) often leaves remnants behind, so you may want to use (free) Revo_Uninstaller instead which gets the leftovers

If net framework is required for your system, it would have been installed and updated with your normal MS Updates. You should be able to find this under Add/Remove Programs.

I wouldn’t mess with adding PSI as trusted to IE right now or messing with the IE settings since I don’t know of others who have had to do this. I would wait for other input on this as well as contacting PSI about your problems and getting their input.

Just remember that when ever you install anything or uninstall anything, always reboot. Sometimes a program requires 2 reboots (it can’t hurt).

I doubt the CCleaner I have installed is the slim version, but I only use the cleaner part. I have become very careful when I download something to watch for those places which are automatically checked to download something else. Is there any way I can check to see if this tool bar you speak of was installed?

I have a paid version of History Killer Pro which I believe is supposed to clean all temp files and traces of your time online every time it is shut down.

I have had Registry Mechanic for a number of years and it has never let me down. Many times when I’ve had little glitches I have run it and things have straightened out. It has been highly recommended by Cloudeight InfoAve Premium newsletter for a long time as the only one they’ve ever found that doesn’t end up causing more harm than good, I may install the TFC also, but I’m not ready to uninstall Registry Mechanic at this time.

I’m wondering if this is a driver problem. My Acronis icon in the Add-Remove programs list is just a white box rather than its normal icon. When I googled I found something mentioned about this white box being a driver problem. I went into Device Manger and ticked every item in there. Under System Devices I found 7 items for which it said there were no drivers installed, and yet when I right click the item all the options are active, like Uninstall, Update Driver, etc. If there’s no driver installed I would think those options would be greyed out. But surely it’s not right that there would be no drivers installed for these items?

Thre are Microsoft Net Framework entries in my Add/Remove.

If you did a Custom install for CCleaner instead of the normal install, then it prompts you (gives you boxes to check/uncheck) if you want things installed…like the Ask Toolbar, eBay Toolbar. Those are the ones to watch out for. You can always uninstall CCleaner and put the slim version in, but if you uninstall, I’d recommend doing it with Revo since it will remove ALL traces of these toolbars, which can be difficult to remove. The normal way to remove CCleaner is Add/Remove Programs. If you installed the normal way, you may see “Ask” in one or several of your browsers.

If you are comfortable with History_Killer_Pro and Registry_Mechanic, then leave it. You probably don’t need TFC at this time. Just don’t go over kill on too many security programs.

Regarding the Microsoft Net Framework, you have nothing to worry about. Just let MS Update take care of things from that point of view.

It sounds like you have a problem with Acronis though. When Dell did the factory Image Restore, did they do anything to Acronis? You may want to give them a call to find out? Have you used Acronis since doing the major repair on your machine and if so does it work properly? If not, you may need to uninstall and reinstall. Clean your machine up first, then do a System Restore before you uninstall so you have something to fall back on.

Any Acronis users have any feedback to offer on this (see OP’s previous post for problem)?

I have been using Revo Uninstaller for quite awhile now. I wrote to the Acronis forum about this white box icon. I just received an answer not to worry about it. As long as I can tick it in Add-Remove and it provides the options to Uninstall/Repair it is ok and I don’t have to uninstall it. I haven’t used it yet because no sense in it until things get straight. After what happened I don’t feel real secure in it but will probably give it another try.

Dell didn’t do the factory image restore. There is an option for it witin my Advanced Boot options. I just clicked on it, ok’d it and it went forth. When you click yes it tells you that it’s going to completely erase your drive before restoring. Pretty simple. All I had to do was put in the Drivers disk at one point. What was hard was reinstalling all my many programs, both paid and free, the service packs, IE8 and of course the tears over losing 4 years worth of pictures.

Oooh…all those pictures must have hurt. :cry: You’ve really been through a lot. Sorry to hear about it. Perhaps an external backup for your pictures might help for the future. I know…we all learn from our mistakes. :-[

Well, at least you got good news on Acronis. You are progressing considering the mess you had with your machine…no offense intended.

So now you are still left with the PSI issue. When I checked my OA settings, I found the PSI .exe and one driver under Programs and another driver under Autoruns (kind of strange to find a different driver under Autoruns, but PSI works fine for me), and everything is “Trusted.” I’d still recommend contacting them via the email link I sent you so that they will have the email when they open for work first thing this Monday. You can also try their forum as well or do both.

Thank you so much. I don’t know who you are, but you are a special person. I have had two people really pitch in and try to help me and stick with me all the way on this. You are one of them and the Lord is smiling on you for your kindness and your caring attitude. The other person is one from the psi forum. He is still working on things and I do not want to insult him by going over his head and directly to psi. He even gave me an email address on the forum so that if I felt it was needed we could write back and forth about the various problems in more detail, etc. The email address has psi in it so perhaps he is a part of the company or an employee or something. I have kept your link and if he strikes out I will use it.

At least Avast is running so smooth and trouble-free. I haven’t installed the Online Armor yet as I don’t want to add to the problems right now.

Thank you so much for your compliment, Nikilet. I, and others are here to help all users. Some have a different “touch” than others. Should you ever have problems, I’m always here. I understand your cautiousness with reinstalling OA at this time. Should you at a later date want to reinstall, I can always troubleshoot with you on that as well since I am familiar with both products.

You can leave this thread open until you resolve your issues with PSI and always come back and repost to it if you want.