Couldn't cancle Avast then was charged £49.99 instead of the £29.99 they said.

I got on the avast premier and when I tried to cancel it before it auto renewed but couldn’t because it’s literally impossible to cancel it then when it auto renewed I was charged £49.99 not the 24.99 or £29.99 it said I would.

I sent in messages to support and called but got no responses or help.

I wanted a full refund and I still do. I’ve been trying since Jan 1st

Can anyone help me?

Calling the free support line, is handles by a 3rd party support company and they don’t have access to payments, so they can’t handle payment issues only program related problems.

How did you send a message to support ?

Did you use the Support Ticket Refund - method ?
If not try that.

Thanks for replying :slight_smile:

I tried to fill in the form but it’s asking for an order id and I don’t know what or where that is

Try this link: :slight_smile:

Edit: Also submitting more then one ticket, or amending/adding too an existing ticket, will put you to the back of the line. Process can take 7-10 (BUSINESS) days.

Thank you! :smiley:

You’re welcome.