I recently downloaded CounterSpy. When it tries to update its definitions, Avast flags it as a virus (Win95:CIH 1.x) and tells me to move it to the chest. Should I ignore it the next time Avast flags it or should I reinstall CounterSpy?
I would say it is detecting unencrypted signatures in the update (naughty/sloppy as they would be detected by any resident AV).
What is the infected file name, where was it found e.g. (C:\windows\system32\infected-file-name.xxx) ?
Check the avast! Log Viewer (right click the avast ‘a’ icon), Warning section, this contains information on all avast detections.
you are using plain CS not Vipre with AV- Right?
which version CS 2.x 3.x beta?
I have CS on this machine with AVAST and no hits?
The CS forum is also reasonably responsive
I am sure they would be interested in this
same problem here guys !
my CS version is 3.x and when I m trying to update I have the exact same problem !
What should I do ? ? ?
you could post this at
you could e-mail Eric Howes or Alex