Couple of Avast!/ Online Armor 3 issues with Vista

Chasing down a few issues with Tall Emu, thought I would also report them here

  1. Using avast! mail scanner with stunnel and the OA mail shield seems to cause the OA Firewall status display to stop displaying the in/out error rates periodically. I turned off the avast!/stunnel scanner for now, since I am actually getting all my mail through Google which already scans the POP mail. Bug report to OA is in the works.
  2. Have had frequent problems with Opera stopping working when both the OA web shield and the avast! web shield are running. Firefox seems to work fine. Turned both shields off and am still evaluating the result-haven’t run for long enough to be sure this has fixed the problem. Will investigate further, but invite other inputs. My configuration is in signature.

Could these new problems be related to the revamping of Network Shield in the latest version? It used to show no activity, now major activity. Is the new Network Shield now proxying a bunch of new ports that MS an WS do not, or does it do something different? Interaction with the minports of OA? Issues became more noticeable at least as the latest beta progressed, and then in the release.

Hard to tell, really. It is true that the Network Shield in the new avast does much more than previously, but I’d say it should be pretty conflict free.

When you say “Opera stopped working”, what does that mean, exactly? Opera hangs? Opera cannot connect to any servers anymore? Opera cannot even be killed? …?


Just check the ashweb.exe in FIREWALL settings, right click edit and check if in red click allow…!!! :wink:

VLK, I get the message in the attachment. A few instances of unable to kill, but usually can. Did not happen with Comodo firewall, so definitely an interaction between avast! and OA. Trying minimum configuration now to see if it stops: OA with just Program Guard and Firewall, avast! with just standard shield and network shield. That seemed to work before OK, so will let it run for a while and see what happens. BTW, happens on two different computers with Vista and avast! First happened on computer with OA, not on computer with Comodo. Switched main computer to OA, now happens there also.

gdiloren, ashwebsv.exe is set to trusted.

BTW, Opera problems occur as far back as avast! 4.8.1229 since I hadn’t updated it on my backup machine yet. Currently using the configuration of both mail shields off, OA web shield off, on both machines, and things seem quite stable.