Couple of issues (virtulised processes and VMware network connections)

Hi there, further testing of the Avast I.S. software has highlighted a couple of issues. One you might be able to help me as I think that it’s a configuration issue, the other is software, I think.

Firstly, when you select IE to be run as a virtualized process, if you drag the IE pane over to a secondary monitor and try to maximise the window, it reverts back to the primary monitor. Also, on a 1920x1200 monitor, it doesn’t fully maximise as normal.

The second issue is that my Virtual machines, running under VMware Server 2.0.1, can’t pick up an IP address.

OS is Vista 64 Business, Avast I.S. 5.0.462

EDIT: Vmware networking is using bridged networking (Changing it to NAT seems to work around the issue)

multi-monitor support has been added to the internal build

Excellent. Thank you.

So, can I expect problems with my virtualized machines if I put Avast on my Host XP Pro computer? I use VMWare Workstation 7, Microsoft VPC 2007 and Sun VirtualBox. I used bridged networking and will never use NAT. That is a terrible connection.

Unfortunately this is what I have found. I haven’t had a play around with all the settings, but the VMware network connections don’t show up in Avast >:( so I can’t see a way to configure them to be completely open.

I’m currently getting ready to get rid of my VMware images and foist them onto a server where they will be shared communally through out the office I work at. The images are just Internet Explorer testing images, as I work at a web development firm.

It might not pose a problem for me since my Host machine is 32 bit, not 64 bit like your machine. I am a little more concerned with a potential problem with a new machine I hope to purchase later this year with 64 bit Windows 7 and VMWare Workstation. I have not yet decided for sure what I plan to do when Avira free version 8 which is on my XP machine goes unsupported at the end of this month. I have Avast 5 on a Vista Ultimate virtual machine and it runs great and I really like it. After your post though, I am a little reluctant to try it on my Host XP machine if it may mess up bridged networking on VMWare Workstation. I know that I cannot use the Professional version of Avast because I tried it last year on the Vista virtual machine and it caused problems when I tried to do a network scan. One of the things I most want in an AV is network scanning yet the two antivirus programs I have tried that offer network scanning both had serious problems particularly with scanning my VMWare machines.

Do you use the free version of Avast? Because only the I.S. version has the silent firewall when you look at the product compares, so I don’t know if this would affect things.

I thought that I’d post this link from the General forum, as this is the current state of play with my VMware instances.

Hi, I have also been trying for a couple of hours to get my Virtual PC connect to the internet. Both machines, host and virtual running XP SP3 and the host is running avast internet security version 5.0.545 and the virtual avast free 5 also version 5.0.545. I use bridging to connect the virtual to the host and was able to ping all ip addresses of the world, but no http(s) connections. Then i went into the expert settings of the avast firewall and enabled the Internet Connection Sharing mode and I can browse now !

Hope this works for you as well.

Hi, for the bridged networking to work correctly you have to enable “Internet connection sharing mode” in Firewall/Expert Settings.