CPU is nearly always at 100 % and not sure if its from Advast or a virus part 2.

Hello, last month I had a problem with the CPU being nearly always at 100 % and I thought it was resolved. Sadly the problem seems back. It WAS normal for a few weeks, after the last update. But then after the Windows updated again then after a few days once more the CPU is once more nearly always at 100 percent. Once more virus scans say nothing is wrong but, as I said before the details section on Task Manager say that two of the CPU sections of Advast have 40 CPU’s running most of the time.

The only new thing I have is that last few days when the computer started I have a message that can be loaded in whatever word document that says that “DifxFrontend failed!”

Does anyone know what that means? It seems like everything’s fine for a while but after Windows updates after a while things go to a sluggish mess till Malware updates its own system. Should I be worried about Malware or is this a system error? Just, confused, annoyed , and don’t want to make the wrong choice that would make things worst.

Thanks again for the help from before.

A search for this returns many hits, but some quite old - https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=difxfrontend+failed

Here are some of the more recent ones:

Thanks for the links, but I’m just more confused since some of the stuff is not even what’s on my computer. Also, another odd thing…the problem’s gone again without me really doing anything…the computer took longer to start but now…its normal again and I did not even do anything. I mean…this in theory is good news but now I’m even more confused. Sorry, hope I’m not coming off as just rambling about stuff, just now even more unsure what it is…if this was a virus or if its a glitching program or something.

Well, hope someone has more of a idea on what’s going on then I do.

You’re welcome.

I hadn’t ever experienced it, so I turned to google to see there were any likely hits.

One thing I did see recently as an increase in CPU activity, but that was due to a windows update downloading in the background. Ordinarily I don’t see this as I thought I had this effectively disabled by setting long working hours.

Fair enough. Today once more the computer starts with the could not recognize operation C DifxFrontend failed, but that being said the computer at the moment is not slow so…now I’m not even sure if the two things are related, ugh, makes it tricky cause don’t want to make the wrong move and make things worst and all.

Hey again, the computer was normal for a few weeks but the speed is back to a sluggish pace once more. Its the same as before, the only thing abnormal that’s consistent is that it says two of the Advast CPU’s are moving around 40 all the time, I don’t know why or if this is a clear indication of malware or not or if the “DifxFrontend failed!” issue is related or not, but as far as I know the situation has not changed much.

Its odd, if it was a virus or malware not sure why it would go " Back to normal" then resume but, I have no idea the nature of what’s causing this problem even now so just, even more confused.

I would call for a one on one support thing but does not even seem like they are doing that anymore? Its just…very annoying that this keeps being a problem, hope someone has a idea on what to do.

Hi, before we dig deeper here, I’d suggest to try the clean reinstall first…

Sorry for the late response, been trying to figure out things. For a few weeks it was back to normal, but yesterday its back to being slow again. I noticed its been a pattern, for a week or so its the same stuff, the CPU is at 100 and its always from those same Advast sections. Then it gets back to normal without doing anything, then after a Windows update after a few days it decays again and its always the same things that are showing abnormal symptoms…not sure what this means.

Well after taking care of a few things I’ll try the reinstalling and see if that changes anything, thanks for getting back to me.

NP, report back…

I was going to uninstall it, I figured I’d try the repair function first…after it restarted it seemed to work for now, I’ll see how long the computer remains at the proper speed.