I installed the latest beta (using the cleaning tools provided in the thread as well), in an attempt to prevent this issue, yet it’s a sure thing that after my computer has been running for an extended time, the AvastSvc process will lock itself at 25%, 50%, 75%, or 95% of my total CPU.
I just got it back down from using 95% and almost completely freezing my computer by turning off the active shields for a while, with the web shield freezing the avast UI process for nearly ten minutes when I turned it off.
During these times, I can look at the statistics page and literally nothing is happening. No sites or files are being scanned, yet the avast process continues to use up to 95% of a 4.2ghz quad core processor.
Attached image was taken something like a day or two ago, because this time it had my computer so locked up I couldn’t take a screenshot.
I trust full re-installs count as a repair? After installing the beta the first time, the issue occurred again, so I ran a full re-install just in case. After that it happened twice; one being a 50% usage that was fixed by turning the web shield off, and the other being the issue outlined in the original post.
Also, turning the web shield off during any of these events freezes the AvastUI process. The only time it ever recovered was the time I described in the original post. Looking at its wait chain while it’s frozen indicates that it’s waiting on a response from the AvastSvc process. (Note: All other times I got impatient and logged out to clear the frozen process.)
It had an issue again, and I solved it in the same way as usual, though the UI process recovered fairly quickly this time. On turning off the web shield, the window immediately freezes (with the menu stuck open on top of everything, semi-transparent) and after a while the AvastSvc process slowly releases its processor consumption until it’s at normal levels. The UI service returned to normal immediately after the service process reached normal consumption levels.
Also, I can’t get a debug log of this because the program doesn’t recognize it as an error.
I run Firefox, and I usually always have it open. I’ll close it and wait to see if this occurs again, once it recovers itself from its current fit.
Well that didn’t take long. It stuck itself at 25% for a bit, and after a few minutes jumped to 50%.
As long as it’s doing this quickly, might as well shut off everything else to see if it still happens.
Well, it’s been a while but it’s done it again. Either it’s coincidental, or it has something to do with either Blizzard’s Battle.net launcher or Steam (Maybe both. I had no issue with Steam for the last few days, but I left the battle.net launcher open after closing WoW, and the AvastSvc process starts using up all my processor while I’m playing a game on Steam.) Closing either has no effect on the process, and I’m forced to turn off the web shield again to stop the issue.