Cpu Wakelock

Hi guys,
I have just bought an android phone and installed avast mobile security,was wondering what was the use of the option CPU wake lock in settings of avast.
Should i select it or not?And does it affect the battery life?



check this out http://support.avast.com/index.php?languageid=1&group=eng&_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=1252 . If you still have more questions, I can try to answer them :slight_smile:


This permission group is used to keep the phone CPU awake during processing Anti-Theft tasks in the background. The phone goes to sleep after some time when you do not use it. During that time, every processing on the phone is incredibly slow or is even not possible at all. Now we can “wake up” the phone processor (not the screen) in that condition to make the program work. After finishing the task we put the phone back to sleep as it was before.

Thank you for the answers.Now my question is should I turn it on or not?

Well, that depends. The wakelock is turned on only when scanning so it won’t consume any more battery than if turned off while not scanning. Also if you, for example, have automatic scanning set up then with wakelock turned on, the scan gets done exactly at the time you wanted to. With wakelock turned off, it might take hours.

Simply said, you trade a little bit of battery for much faster scanning while the device is asleep.


Thanks for the reply. I think I am gonna switch it on.

I did the same. Seems the smarter behavior :slight_smile: