Creating of freedom a picture,Crane of dance,Lotus flower Song

Relax your mood, listen wonderful music,Crane of dance,Creating of freedom a picture

Always nation- You are person mp whom I love deeply most 3(sharing)

Very nice, tamwaisum!

The picture jumps out a frame frame

Nice I really like the Eagle one. Can I pinch a copy ;D Pretty Please ::slight_smile:

:slight_smile: Thanks.

Excellent images, thank you, took a little time on dial-up, but listening to the Lotus flower Song now.

Just thought I’d ruin the rest of your day. Pretty quiet around here, I need something to do… :slight_smile:

Download Speed: 10011 kbps (1251.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 945 kbps (118.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

I read your story about your access to broadband a while ago in another thread. I hope that corrects itself eventually. In this modern day and age, without at least a DSL hookup, life on the net would be hard.

I’m resigned to the fact I will be on dial-up for some time yet, 9.5 KM of copper cable from the broadband enabled exchange, so if something is worthwhile it is worth waiting for ;D

I’ve been told I could get a broadband connection (probably not too reliable) it is unlikely that I would get 256Kb more likely 128Kb, yet no provider will adjust their charges according to what I’m able to get. So I could be paying for say an 8Mb yet only getting 128Kb, I don’t like being ripped of and that to me is a rip of.

So I soldier on with dial-up I haven’t even bothered with an accelerator like on-speed to improve browsing speed since there currently is no improvement on downloads. I just don’t feel it is worth it. I’m not a huge download freak, no p2p or media so I don’t really feel the need is there.

Everyone is touting their 8Mb and up services, for many they don’t get anything near that and there is nothing they can do as the T&C states up to 8Mb.

Actually, there is something that everyone should do, when they get broadband service. Usually the “pipe” settings on most computers are set for dial up. To access all of that wonderful broadband download speed, most people need to widen the pipe considerably.

TCP Optimizer is the way that I did it, and I’m sure you’re aware of the program. I offer this for others reading this thread. You/they can find it here:

When our provider went to a 10/1 service, I couldn’t get a download speed faster than 5-6 meg. After adjusting the pipe settings using TCP Optimizer, it jumped to the advertised speeds as indicated above in this thread.

Something to keep in mind when you get broadband, and something everyone should look at, who has broadband now, and aren’t getting the advertised speeds.


Sorry about temporarily hijacking your thread.

I enjoy your posts, thanks.


tamwaisum, I enjoyed the music and images very much. Thank you!

ok You Can I pinch a copy

Gifted with photographic memory game

Wow, tamwaisum! I am very impressed by the photographs and video. :smiley:

The music selections are also outstanding! :slight_smile:

Thank you, tamwaisum, for this enrichment to our lives. :-*