I’ve been trying to use avast with little success. The problems are
every time it finds a virus it stops dead in its tracks
it takes forever to do a dep scan of mpeg files
What gives? AVG hads no problem getting through a scan, and not tripping over mpgs, or stopping at every little sign of trouble. Anyone figure out how to get around these glitches?
Crippleware ??? for a program that has greater functionality and effectiveness than many of the paid for versions and the Home version is Free, this throw away comment is unwarranted.
whocares is totally right, we need more information in order to be able to help
I have the assumption that this is more likely to be down to the user settings, than any form of crippleware.
If AVG was so great why would you want to change? I used AVG for a long time and Avast, in the short time I have been using it, beats AVG hands down. On my first scan after installation (after reboot) it found two viruses that had lain dormant for months without dectection by AVG.
Speed wise Avast is easily as quick (on my machine) as AVG and I get better protection.
Speed Vs Efectiveness/Thoroughness is always a trade off, if I want to do a thorough scan, including archive files I do it when I will not be using the computer for a short time, not when I am waiting to do some work on it.
I would start by reading the Help file in the Avast directory or from windows Start, Programs, Avast, Help.
The type of files to be scanned/excluded can be adjusted/amended in the on-access Standard Shield (click on the Avast icon).
You can also change the degree of scan from the Start Avast Antivirus (right cilck avast icon on system tray). Once displayed you can a icon bottom left of window and set the sensitivity of the resident scanner.
Only the Professional version could automatically take actions over virus detected.
In Home version you can only set ‘Silent mode’ and general answer ‘No’ (which send the file to Chest). See the ‘Advanced’ tab of the providers settings.
On-demand scanning should be fine if you choose a thourough scan of all hard disks.
To set the on-access providers, better if you can read the help files a little before or ask more specific.
“Only the Professional version could automatically take actions over virus detected”, so the feature is not present in the home edition
“On-demand scanning should be fine if you choose a thourough scan of all hard disks.” meaning that it was no mistake that it took forever to make its way through an mpg
I apologize for the blunt topic heading, but blunt though it may be the way avast-home worked is the way it is supposed to work, and not an error on my part.
In the case of what action to take when a virus is discovered, the feture I want is not available in the home edition ( cripple ware) .
In the case of the long time to make its way thorugh an mpeg, that’s the way it is supposed to work ( whether or not you’d call it bad design is the old is it a feature or a flaw)
Sorry, fellow, but as far as I know, the term crippleware is usually used for products whose limitation doesn’t allow any reasonable usage. The number of satisfied avast! 4 Home users shows that it’s not the case here. Of course, it is limited somehow - as you hopefully understand, the paid version has to include something more than the free one. The fact that the “silent mode” is just not enough for you doesn’t mean you have to be rude.
For common usage, it’s not necessary to use “thorough” scan. If you decide to use it anyway, you shouldn’t be surprised that it takes longer. Besides, you can put your mpeg files into the list of exceptions… what’s the problem?
One other suggestion, especially if your MPEG’s are in a single folder (or limited number of folders) which you’re certain contain nothing but the MPEG’s.
Just add those folders to your Exclusion list (under Settings, on the main-interface menu). I’ve got a large collection of JPG’s which fall into the same non-infectable category, and even a Thorough scan will skip any Excluded folders.