Users of Mozilla browsers are advised to disable the Firebug extension. It has a critical hole through which a third party could inject malicious code into the “zone” of the browser.
We expect that when browser code itself is getting more and more secure, malcreants try to seek weak spots in browser extensions, that were not made with secure cosing at heart.
It is actually a tool for webdevelopers. I do not have it, and Flock has its own. The security people among the browser developers must look now for methods to protect browser users against malicious code that comes along with the new ways of interoperability. Embedded script is now doing things that were not intended by earlier coders, so there must be found new ways of securing cookies, tags, webbugs etc etc.
With the JIKTO scanner code in the wild, we’re in for some new threats in the malware theatre. The Internet has become a more dangerous place than it ever was.