Cross reference index

What would be really nice is a cross reference index on the Avast website so we can get the aliases and check them on the virus encyclopedias on the net.

For example: Avast’s “Win32:clspring-pkg” should have an alias for TrendMicro’s name for this same trojan.

There is a prog called vgrep which is doing so. It is freeware, unfortunatly I can´t remember where I got it from. Hava a search on google I would say

That’s on the Virus Bullletin website but isn’t up to date because they show Alwil as not detecting ByteVerify, which I know it does.

Anyway, I would be willing to volunteer work to put something together. The index doesn’t need to show other vendors just the aliases for Avast virii names, which I assume are known when they are included in the Avast virus definition files. Just a spreadsheet showing the Avast name in one column and the various aliases in the next column. Once it is up-to-date it can easily be maintained the Alwil Team.

Are you kidding :slight_smile: ?? To maintain such list is very difficult task! To collect all the existing aliases for every single virus and maintain the list is definitely far far behind our resources…


I had a feeling that might attract some attention ;D Nevertheless, had you took me up on my offer I wouldn’t have backed out :-X :slight_smile:

While we’re on the subject. How does Avast decide on a virii name? Do you guys have to be careful about making a name too similar to what Norton or Trend named the same virii?

Well, simple question, not so simple answer - it depends and it could vary very much :wink: !

But for your second question: We usualy use some other AV programs to find out if the sample is already detected and if yes, by which name. But we do not use neither Norton nor Trend for this purpose :slight_smile: !


Interesting :wink: