CTB Locker Ramsonware

Does anyone know how to get rid of this ramsonware? It is called CTB Locker. The computer won’t update or open Avast so I cannot create a rescue disk. Any idea? Thanks

This should be posted in viruses and worms forum section
How to recive hjelp is found ln sticky post at top in that section https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0

Pondus, this is the viruses and worms section :stuck_out_tongue:


Boot into Safe Mode, then run Avast!.

I was waiting for someone to post this … Topic was moved by a avast mod Eddy :stuck_out_tongue:

Can you access the PC? Are you able to use the internet i.e. to download and run tools? If yes, please follow this thread.

Sorry, was going to post something again until the computer died there.

If what Valinorum says, doesn’t work, then try Safe Mode with Netorking, if that doesn’t work. Download the files onto a USB using a second computer, then boot into Safe Mode with Command Prompt. When the CMD pops up, type “explorer.exe” (Without the quotes!). Then transfer the files and post back the logs so Valinorum can remove it :slight_smile:

Thank you Pondus for moving it to the appropriate section.

Thank you everyone for your help. I tried everything you posted and nothing worked, so I ended formatting the computer.

Does anyone know when will Avast detect this type of ransomware?

Thanks again