Curent latest version of Avast?

I hope that it’s stable, because I have been seeing a rash of crash reports.

There have been reports of Windows crashing with:

***STOP: yxyyyyy (problem type) (with mentioning name of Avast driver)



AFAIK, the bad pool caller message is a software issue, caused by a software bug.

It’s starting to look like that Avast is causing the bad pool caller error message.

Any updated (of today) about the crashing problems being caused by Avast?

There is a thread about ‘bad pool caller’ error which your are contributing to, I would have thought that have been the best place to address this and keep the information together.

I was trying to see which is the current version. Which is that?


I wanted to know about the program update, NOT the virus database update. ???

Current 4.6.652

Beta available 4.6.663

OK. :-\

Folks rarely come here to report how stable it is.

I think the number of “crashes” reported here is minimal compared with the errors related to configuration/compatibility issues.

Where does one find the beta version to try out? I’ve searched, but no luck.


Thanks. I must be asleep at the wheel - it’s only at the top of the forum! I must have taken an extra dose of stupid pills this morning.


so that is where my pills went wink Not a prob :slight_smile: