Curious ?

Just wondered if Avast 5 Beta and Microsoft Security Essentials are affiliated in some way ? General layout and GUI are very similar and they are apparently compatible when running at the same time. Or have I just been watching too many Conspiracy Sites ::slight_smile:

Hi Enddays!

Big David Icke fan myself,but I am 100% sure the only connection between
Avast! 5,and MSE is:“Great Minds running in the same Channels.”


Thanks for the reply normishael. Not a big DI fan myself, hate the Lizard connection. That said, I still believe that there are parallels that suggest to me common research between Avast and MSE. Not a bad thing in itself, just so long as this connection is acknowledged.

Have a read:
Greetings from Redmond

And it looks like you are right.
My 100% sure is on a par with:
“No way that sniper can hit me from this distance…Arrgh!!”

Going to the Microsoft Campus doesn’t sleeping in the same bed… ;D

Thats right Mr Bob!

Maybe a “nooner” or two.

Thanks for the link YoKenny :wink:

“nooner” A quick lunchtime copulation. Love it nm ;D