customer support is thee WORST

I have emailed avast 6 times over the past 10-14 days. Not 1 single reply! They charged me twice for the $39.99 product. And nkw I need to cancel! What is going on in this company? What do I resort to next?

What do you mean with “emailed” ?
Did you create a ticket ?
Did you created multiple tickets ?
Did you changed a ticket (or perhaps multiple ones) ?
What do you mean with “And nkw I need to cancel!” ?
What is it you want to do/know ?

The correct thing to do is to request a refund at:

Once that’s done, be patient. It usually takes between 7 and 10 business days.
Filing a new request or changing a request starts the process all over again.

best of luck in obtaining a refund.
Seeing how this av has evolved over the years it seems money is the primary objective.

once they have their claws on your cash do you seriously expect them to give it back easily…?Leave that one for you to decide.
This is the hideous face of corporate greed.

from version 5 something went horrendously wrong,Not sure if its a change in management or what,but it has turned into an ad-infested monstrosity with reliability issues.

No reliability issues i may hear you all utter.!
well do a search not just on this forum but the web in general and the results will speak volumes.

If avast carries on like this it will self destruct into a ghost of its former self. ;D

If you have a problem, please post it. If not, keep your comments to yourself.
They aren’t true and certainly aren’t helpful. :frowning:

Strange reply,
There are and always have been issues with avast and most other av products.
Although the fanboy mentality is most certainly a problem and definately not helpful. ;D

yes i filled out the help for an existing order ticket as there is not a specific refund request. in this day and age i would expect a reply by now

And there we have another totally useless post from Arnold >:(

There are and always have been issues with avast and most other av products.
I challenge you to program anti-malware yourself and show the world how to make it work with all systems and all configurations without a problem.
Although the fanboy mentality is most certainly a problem and definately not helpful.
If something is not helpful... Your posts here are on the top of that list.

I am definitely not.
I am one of the (over 230 million) users and I am using avast because it is the best in the field at this moment.
If a other vendor offers something much better, I am one of the first to switch.
I like to keep my systems as safe as possible.

Please answer the question I have asked in Reply #1


Issued a ticket regarding payment issue - 8 days ago - no response.

I notice that there is only an USA number to call, and I cannot seem to see an email address to get in touch with them directly.

Please advise me if I am missing something.

I am in the UK by the way.

Submitting a ticket = direct contact with avast

As has been told many times before, avast is trying to handle tickets withing 10 business days.

It is still within the 5-10 working days, give it a little longer - don’t created multiple tickets as this just slows things as they are handled on a FiFo basis.

If you can post your support ticket ID number and we can try to push it forward.

I wouldn’t contact the support number even it were a UK number as they can’t deal with payments as they don’t have access to that. They are a 3rd party support company handling only problems with the program.

Eddy - it may have been told many times before - but this is my first visit to the forum - it also says in their response email to me:

One of our dedicated team members will get back to you as soon as possible (usually within 24 hours), however response times vary depending on the department and issue.

A bit different to 10 days!

Have you got the support ticket ID number to post here ?

EDDY- i did answer the questions you asked in reply #1!! here my latest ticket #Ticket ID: 66083

When you talk of “here my latest ticket #Ticket ID” this could be part of the problem if you have multiple tickets in the system it will get bumped back.

Well how was i to know this ahead of time? :-[

As requested, please post your support ticket number here and we’ll try to speed things up. :slight_smile:

(re)search/reading and thinking before doing something is a good practice. :wink:

same goes for you.

And yes the text in the mail (about the 24 hours) is not exactly what you could call accurate.
If I remember correctly there is a post from avast saying they will change it.
Apparently they still haven’t done so. :frowning:

You can’t and I’m not blaming you, my comment was to prevent further delays on what is already frustratingly overdue resolution by submitting further tickets.

Those trying to help here in this topic are avast users not avast staff.

Bob3160 i DID post the ticket # did you not see it? Ticket ID: 58477 thanks for trying i just want my refunds