CVE-2014-0543 alerts all day today. Like every three minutes. HELP

Hi All - I’ve done some research on this (Adobe vulnerability) but have no idea how to fix. Avast solution just disconnects MSFT from it. I don’t know what it is and I don’t know if it’s Adobe or MSFT that has to fix it / has a fix I can D/L. It’s apparently well known - and goes all the way back to 2014 - so there’s got to be something out there…

Avast message reads “We’ve safely aborted connection on because it was infected with SWF.CVE-2014-0543 [Expl]”

Hi All - I've done some research on this (Adobe vulnerability) but have no idea how to fix.
[b]CVE-2014-0543 Detail[/b]

The End of an Era: Adobe Flash Player Support Ends Today,bringing%20an%20end%20to%20a%20legendary%20internet%20application.

Adobe Flash end of support on December 31, 2020

I’m having exactly this issue as well

So remove Adobe flash and see what that changes, and screenshot of avast messages is always a big hjelp.

Thanks Pondus. Will SS and repost in a bit.

Adobe Flash Shutdown Halts Chinese Railroad for Over 16 Hours Before Pirated Copy Restores Ops

Have anyone with this problem removed Adobe Flash (you may do a restart) and does it fix the problem?

You Really Shouldn’t Be Running Adobe Flash Player Anymore

I got no flash or anything on my laptop. I use AVG. Got same message.

I haven’t seen any of these alerts. I also haven’t had flash on my systems for years.

Getting same alert, three times this morning Wednesday. User started up PC, and soon after got an alert. Then twice again.

Remove the flash player -