CyberCapture bug


I am using Avast Free Antivirus Program Version 21.11.2500 (build 21.11.6809.528).
My operating system is Windows 11 Home 21H2 OS build 22000.376.

I recently got to know how to convert Python files(.py) to an executable(.exe) by using a Python utility called pyinstaller.
I installed it using pip, then tried to convert into main.exe. It worked.
However, when I try to run it, Avast pops up saying CyberCapture detected this as suspicious.
Then, it tries to send the file and scan it.
While the scanning process is in progress, I see a window of the console that is running my exe file.
When Avast is done scanning, it closes the console window and opens another one.

If this .exe file was malware, it would have damaged my system.
Is this a known issue?
If so, please fix it!


the .exe file analyzed by the CyberCapture runs in a sandbox ( so it will not damage the system.

Thank you,