Hi malware fighters,
1 Dangerous malcode here: htxp://rscenter.website.pl/wozmi/ldr.exe
Trojan.Pidief is a detection for a family of Trojans that exploit one or more Adobe Reader and Acrobat Vulnerabilities in order to drop or download additional malware on to the compromised computer. Avast detects this as:
Win32:Zbot-LVW: 2010/06/03_12:36 rscenterwebsitepl/cfg/cfg.bin - zeus v2 config file
http://www.threatexpert.com/files/ldr.exe.html -
2 Another suspicious site analyzed here: http://wepawet.iseclab.org/view.php?hash=d707397399d6d2ae2654d5a9f6e2bd67&t=1275824865&type=js
( htxp://wuyijudej.cn/filipoj/exe.php?606717496665bcba&b) heuristic find Packed.Generic.265 -Bredolab -Malbredo-A: http://www.threatexpert.com/report.aspx?md5=c059872f18247c1fe399f92608843074
no avast detection…MacAfee’s heuristical tool Artemis! finds it as Artemis!420766C56CDA - Artemis followed by the first 12 hexidecimals in the code:
See anubis analysis for this malware: http://anubis.iseclab.org/?action=result&task_id=1f9a17d1695a697f479d8d9888e868aac