danielj.dk is a malware



you dont tell us what avast say… but if it is URL:mal it means url or IP is on a blacklist for whatever reason, it does not have to be infected

if you think this is wrong, you can report it here. http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php

Unable to properly scan your site. Site empty (no content): Content-Length: 0
Site is on a misused and abused server:
IP reported as phishing, but phish is dead now: http://support.clean-mx.com/clean-mx/phishing.php?domain=akassetilbud.dk&sort=id%20DESC
unknown malware reported at: htxp://www.danielj.dk/mine.exe (not found at server now)
See: http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=8189999https://www.virustotal.com/nl/url/785125d5aab3d78d8bfa256f11bad35cdbf995c26cb64c8a06f3b1415add486b/analysis/
dropper was detected by avast!: https://www.virustotal.com/nl/file/053b893cf6aa94f40df0b9ce6f371dc6f611d8ec7e9ca02af0c96acce97d21cb/analysis/1384970461/

This comprehensive website check reports most malware and / or spam in real-time.
