I use a Win XP Home with SP2 Celeron Mobile 1.4 Ghz, 256 RAM notebook running Avast Prof, Spybot, Ad-aware, Windows XP firewall etc.
For the past 4-5 days, whenever I am watching movies on Windows Media Player 10, my Windows Explorer gets closed. Some movies run fine, some collapse explorer.exe. Finally, my computer displayed the message that said that its a “Data Execution Prevention” and explorer needs to close.
Is it a virus thats causing this trouble? Microsoft knowledgebase says its very much possible.
Maybe not…
Can you check your Data Execution Prevention options? (Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance (Configuration) > Data Execution Prevention
It’s just a guess, but it may be caused by a buggy video codec (especially when you say that only specific movies are affected). Did you install or update any codecs recently (or let Media Player download one)?
Checked them. Initially they were On for all major windows services. I turned it off for Explorer and Windows Media Player. Didnt Help. The problem persists.
The error report says that it contains the file: C:\DOCUME~1\Mittal\LOCALS~1\Temp\ba10_appcompat.txt
When I go to this path, there is nosuch file as it!!
I had a similar prob with a dodgy plugin crashing WMP 10, try looking in the “background plugin” section in the options & remove or delete any that are found, my prob was caused by Morgan Stream Swticher that came with Klite Mega Codec pack.
U can safely leave the Nero fast cd burning plugin if it there.
Mine is version, if Urs is lower then try updating it by runnin the file setup_wm.exe in the Windows Media Player directory.
I never used the Nimmo codec pack, but i get a feeling it might be the cause of Ur probs, when using any Codec pack it strongly advised to uninstall any other codecs or codec packs on Ur system before u install a new one, i always uninstall Klite mega pack before installing any newer versions.
Was there any other plugins in the other sections other than default ones?
Maybe Explorer is crashing because it’s trying to show a preview (or just read some info) of the files, using the corresponding codec… it is necessary to find out where (i.e. in what module) it crashes.
Try to start DrWatson before browsing the directory and see if it’s able to collect some more info about the crash.