Date of last scan/windows security centre

When I have completed a scan the date of last scan on the avast screen does not change it still says Date of last scan not done yet. So how to fix? I have tried repair via control panel but it could be linked to the fact that windows does not recognize avast is installed.

Two different issues:

To get the Last Scan field updated, full HDD scan needs to be made. Please see here:

To have avast recognized into WSC, check:

I did the full HDD scan and nothing

Are you sure that the scanning finished? Didn’t it crashed or stopped?

I won’t worry that much if avast is not recording this date. I would try to solve Windows recognition of avast as an antivirus. Which was your ‘old’ antivirus? How did you uninstall it?

My last anti virus was Avast 4.8 I uninstalled it thinking it would cure the windows security center error but it did not and know the date of last scan will not change from not done.

Take a look here:

The date of last scan has nothing to do with Windows Security Center.
You can go to the program settings and turn on the creation of the report file (with “OK files” to be included as well in the report). This way, you can find out where the scan really stopped (it’s going to be close to the end of the report).

When the scan ‘finishes’, check the end of the report file - the “troublesome” file is likely to be close to the end (close in the sense that this particular file will probably not be written in the report, but the previous one will be the last line, so it shouldn’t be hard to guess). We would certainly like to have this file - if it really causes problems to avast! - so that we could fix the problem.

The report file created (if you turned it on in program settings) will be (default location) at \Data\Report\Simple User Interface.txt

Err for a start does not work for me as I have tried that more then a few times, as my firewall is not found in windows security centre, so in plain english my firewall (comodo) and my anti virus has the same problem. You want me to post some file thing on here which is fine but in plain english how do you do it?
ps I am not saying your english is bad just my understanding!

B.T.W it does look like avast has scanned every file as the last file it is on was always the last file it would be when worked normally I think the file is D/reload of something like that.

There were a few suggested solutions in that ‘Topic’ (certainly on the first page) besides what Tech suggested in the link to his ‘Post’ did you try the others ?

The last post on the Topic might be relevant if you ‘have’ tried all the other options, possibly the path might be an issue as reported in that.

Patrice, this is not a simple operation… If you can do it with safety you can:

  1. Just ignore Windows Security Center as you’ve been protected by an antivirus and firewall.
  2. Call a technician that could follow the instructions here