DAZUKO and Fedora Core3


i installed the avast-files and this seems to work fine. BUT: i cannot install DAZUKO. Can anyone halp me to install this under Fedora Core3?
I´m not the big LINUX-guru, so please pe patient :wink: THANKS to anybody who will help me!


Perhaps try the man page for Dazuko or try here: http://www.dazuko.org/howto.shtml


i tried this, but there is only a description for Core2 and not for Core3, so this would not help!


Try getting it specially packaged from a repository. Goto http://www.wlug.org.nz/FedoraRepositories for more info on repositories.

Unfortunately i did not found a suitable package for my system! :cry:
Is there a chance to get DAZUKO running on my machine?


I’ll try to contact John (the Dazuko maintainer) about this.



You may want to post your problem in the Dazuko support forum:


If you want to discuss it here, then you need to provide more information about what the problem is. Useful information includes:

  1. the output of running Dazuko’s “./configure”

  2. the output of running “make”

  3. (if 1 and 2 are successful), the output of running “make test” and the last few lines of /var/log/messages (by running “tail /var/log/messags”)

John Ogness

Hi John!

thanks a lot for your quick reply! Here are the informations

checking host system type… Linux
kernel source in /lib/modules/2.6.10-1.770_FC3/build… yes
acquiring Linux kernel code configuration… ok
checking if Linux is RSBAC patched… no
checking if devfs is enabled… no
checking if Linux is 2.6… yes (2.6.10)
checking if security module support is enabled… yes
verifying capabilities are not built-in… built-in :frowning:
error: capabilities are built-in to the kernel:
you will need to recompile a kernel with capabilities
as a kernel module

make: “no rule to make menuconfig” (it might be another expression, because it is in german :wink: )




This is explained in the Dazuko FAQ:


You will need to configure and rebuild your kernel with Capabilities as a module. This module does not support stacking and is blocking Dazuko from loading.

John Ogness