DCOMbobulator -any advice

Hi Guys

   I was following the thread on the the New(yet again) update patches from microsoft- I was surprised to see My own "Guru"  :D

the ever knowing “Technical” member (I am not joking I follow all your replies and bow to your insight & help) never heard of the utility
I heard about it months ago but couldn;t find anyone to give me some decent feedback on it.
I see it is/was used by other members I am by no means a Techie
but after finally finding the page on it and reading about it it looks to be the real thing !
Do you recommend I DL’ed it or would you only advice someone with more knowledge ? I would say I am -almost novice- (though many would disagree)*s

The link to the bobulator (lol) is the link to the real thing. Don’t worry.

Steve Gibson’s programs (utils) are always recommended in respected security forums (Wilders & DSL,…) So i guess no worries here also…


He offers some other small utils also to increase privacy & security here :



To disable DCOM

start|run|type in “dcomcnfg”

On the default properties page uncheck the box marked “Enable Distributed Com on this computer”

Must be admin, this is for win2k, dcomcnfg will work on xp but the gui is a little different.

If you then run Dcombobulator, it will say all is ok

I´m not sure you are talking about me ::slight_smile:
But I use the Steve Gibson’s programs (including DCOMbobulator) in a XP Pro SP1 system without any fear or trouble. Waldo said the whole truth: Steve Gibson’s programs (utils) are always recommended in respected security forums (Wilders & DSL,…) So i guess no worries here also… :wink:

On the webpage the DCOM system is fully analysed and described. It is a Microsoft hole for hell :wink: